How to find us?

Location & Contact

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Sunday 10AM - 6:30PM
contact storefront wide moi kansascity usa 1200×900 contact storefront moi kansascity usa 1200×900

Ticket Prices

Ticket Types

  • Adult (ages 13+)
  • Child (ages 5 - 12)
  • Family (2 adults + 2 children)
  • Military and Seniors (ages 60+)*
  • Students (groups of 10+)**
  • Union Station Members:


  • $18.00
  • $13.00
  • $50.00
  • $15.00
  • $15.00
  • 10% discount

*Requires identification at the door. Children ages 4 and under do not require a ticket for entry. Children ages 12 and under must always be accompanied by an adult during their visit. Local sales tax applies.

* 1 Chaperone per each 10 Students comes for Free


Museum of Illusions (“MOI”) strives to ensure accessibility and provide reasonable accommodations to its guests, including those with disabilities. MOI locations are wheelchair and scooter accessible; however, MOI does not have wheelchairs, scooters, or other mobility aids available on site. MOI asks that you provide your own mobility aids if needed. MOI welcomes service animals. Please be aware that MOI attractions may utilize a range of slanted floors, lighting effects, projections, and LED lights, which may vary in intensity, and which can be bypassed as needed on your visit. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].